§ Mr. McNamaraTo ask the Secretary of State for Education and Employment if he will list the types of (i) public and (ii) private institution falling within his area of responsibility in which individuals aged under 18 years may be trained in the use of firearms; and if he will estimate the numbers of individuals receiving such training in each type of institution in each of the last five years. [81137]
§ Mr. Mudie[holding answer 21 April 1999]:Schools
The only circumstances in which schools would have access to firearms training is through the Combined Cadet Forces and in a small number of schools with Home Office approved target-shooting clubs.
Further Education Colleges
Firearms training takes place in only five colleges of agriculture and horticulture. Students undertaking these courses would be doing so as part of courses in conservation or game keeping. In 1997–98, 63 students aged under 18 undertook this training.