HC Deb 11 February 1999 vol 325 cc302-3W
Mr. Geraint Davies

To ask the Minister of State, Lord Chancellor's Department what changes are proposed to the cash and running costs limits of the Lord Chancellor's Department votes for 1998–99. [71263]

Mr. Hoon

Subject to Parliamentary approval of the necessary Supplementary Estimates, the cash limits for Class VIII Votes 1 and 2 will reduce, and for Vote 3 will increase. The running cost limits for Class VIII Votes 1 and 3 will increase. The increases will be offset by transfers and will not therefore add to the planned total of public expenditure.

Class VIII, Vote 1, Lord Chancellor's Department

The cash limit will reduce by £665,000 from £558,861,000 to £558,196,000. The running costs limit will increase by £65,000 from £458,061,000 to £458,126,000.

The cash limit reduction relates to: £1,000,000 to the consolidated fund, non cash limited provision, to offset salaries of the higher judiciary and stipendiary magistrates; £91,000 to the Home Office as a contribution towards the costs of the IBIS unit; £350,000 from Department of Social Security in final settlement of the transfer of civil legal aid means tested assessment; £165,000 from Department of Social Security for the costs of recruiting and re-appointing panel members for the Unified Appeals Tribunals; £11,000 from Home Office for the changes in the power of the Attorney-General relating to unduly lenient sentences; £100,000 to Department of Social Security for the salary costs of ITS chairmen currently on secondment.

The running cost limit increase relates to: £91,000 to Home Office as a contribution towards the costs of the IBIS unit; £145,000 from Department of Social Security for the costs of recruiting and re-appointing panel members for the Unified Appeals Tribunal; and £11,000 from Home Office for the changes in the power of the Attorney-General relating to unduly lenient sentences.

Class VIII, Vote 2, Northern Ireland Court Service

The cash limit will reduce by £1,000,000 from £18,151,000 to £17,151,000. There is no change in the running cost limit. The cash limit reduction relates to an increase in appropriations in aid of £1,000,000.

Class VIII, Vote 3, Public Records Office

The cash limit will increase by £200,000 from £19,138,000 to £19,338,000. The running costs limit will increase by £800,000 from £24,968,000 to £25,768,000.

The cash limit increase relates to the take up of £200,000 capital provision covered by end year flexibility as announced by the Chief Secretary to the Treasury on 14 July 1998, Official Report, columns 131–36. The running cost limit increase relates to: £600,000 lottery grant in respect of the project to microfilm WW1 soldiers documents; and £200,000 generated by additional receipts for wholesale publishing and book purchases.