§ Mr. ÖpikTo ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland how much money has been saved by the Government as a result of its decision not to fund the education of the children of Oakwood Integrated Primary School, Strangford Integrated College and Ulidia Integrated College, since they opened; and if she will make a statement. [58555]
§ Mr. McFallThe source information required to establish accurately the recurrent budget the above schools would have received if they had been grant-aided is not currently available to the Department of Education. Based on an average per capita allocation it is estimated that their budgets would have totalled about £1,270,000 had they been grant-aided since they opened.
§ Mr. ÖpikTo ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland (1) what plans she has to support the Integrated Education Fund in achieving their stated target for children in Northern Ireland attending integrated schooling by 2008; and if she will make a statement; [58551]
211W(2) what plans she has to remove matters of opinion from the criteria applied in assessing a school in Northern Ireland for integrated status; and if she will make a statement; [58549]
(3) when the Integrated Education Working Group will publish its report; and if she will make a statement; [58553]
(4) when she will announce her decision on whether she will recognise Oakwood Integrated Primary School, Strangford Integrated College and Ulidia Integrated College; and if she will make a statement; [58557]
(5) what objectives she has set for the Integrated Education Working Group; and if she will make a statement; [58552]
(6) what plans the Government have to make a financial contribution to the running of Oakwood Integrated Primary School, Strangford Integrated College and Ulidia Integrated College; and if she will make a statement; [58556]
(7) what is the Government's target for the percentage of children attending integrated schools in Northern Ireland by 2008; and if she will make a statement; [58550]
(8) what criteria need to be met to enable a school to be formally recognised as an integrated school; and if she will make a statement. [58558]
§ Mr. McFallGovernment do not set targets for the expansion of Integrated schools. Government policy is to encourage and facilitate integrated education and in responding to parental demand the DENI will continue to support robust proposals for both new and transforming integrated schools.
The Integrated Education Working Group has been considering how all schools might contribute to the promotion of a culture of tolerance, concentrating initially on integrated schools and integration within schools. A Progress Report from the group has been received very recently and I will wish to take time to consider its findings and conclusions before arranging for its wider publication. However, I expect the report to provide the strategic context within which the Integrated Education Fund, which is represented on the Working Group, can take forward its 10-year Development Plan.
Proposals for new integrated schools are considered against well-established criteria which include intake and enrolment viability, religious balance, availability of alternative integrated provision, impact on other schools, availability of a suitable, cost-effective site, affordability, and consideration of objections. There are no plans to change the existing criteria.
Development proposals for Oakwood Integrated Primary School, Strangford Integrated College and Ulidia Integrated College are currently under consideration and it is hoped to announce decisions before Christmas. If the proposals are approved, the schools will be eligible for 100 per cent. recurrent funding with effect from September 1999 and, when longer term viability has been established, will also be eligible for capital grant towards accommodation needs.