HL Deb 17 December 1998 vol 595 cc169-70WA
Lord McNair

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they have any information about the allegations made by the Catholic Church in southern Sudan this summer about systematic food aid diversion. [HL220]

Baroness Amos

There have been a number of allegations about the diversion of food aid supplies in southern Sudan. The report of a task force jointly prepared by Operation Lifeline Sudan (OLS), the Sudan Relief and Rehabilitation Association and the Sudan People's Liberation Movement in September 1998 identified a number of cases in Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) areas. Strong evidence exists that diversions in these areas continue. We are pressing the donor community and the United Nations are taking firm action with the SPLA to insist it resolves the problem.

British Government priorities for next year will include the securing of improvements in relief delivery. We will work towards an improved OLS operation and will continue to press both sides in the conflict to assume responsibility for the safe passage of humanitarian supplies and to co-operate fully with OLS.

Lord McNair

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What independent evidence there has been of diversion in southern Sudan of Operation Lifeline Sudan food deliveries by (a) Government of Sudan forces, and (b) Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) forces. [HL221]

Baroness Amos

There is strong evidence that diversion of food aid in southern Sudan continues. The report of a task force mentioned in reply to the noble Lord's earlier Question, and other corroborating evidence, have identified cases of food aid diversions in Sudan People's Liberation Army areas. No similar assessment of Government of Sudan (GoS) areas has yet been undertaken, but diversions by GoS forces are suspected, though not on such a wide scale.