HL Deb 15 October 1997 vol 582 c196WA
Lord Braine of Wheatley

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What improvements have been made to the A.127 between Basildon and Southend-on-Sea during the current year.

Baroness Hayman

Prior to 27 March 1997, the A.127 between the M.25 and the borough boundary of Southend-on-Sea was classed as a trunk road and as such was the responsibility of the Secretary of State for Transport. On the 27 March the road was de-trunked and the responsibility for the road was passed to Essex County Council as the local highway authority.

As part of the de-trunking process a number of minor improvement works were carried out to the road between Basildon and Southend-on-Sea. These included resurfacing works, drainage works, and cycletrack reconstruction. The total cost of these works was £372,000.

Lord Braine of Wheatley

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they have plans to improve the A.127.

Baroness Hayman

Now that the responsibility for this section of road rests with Essex County Council, it is for them to promote any improvements for the road. The County Council have submitted bids within their 1998–99 Transport Policy Programme (TPP) for carriageway maintenance on two sections of the road. The first is for improvements to the westbound carriageway between Southend Borough boundary and Rayleigh Weir and the second section is from Rayleigh Weir to the A.130 at Fairglen. These bids will be considered along with all the others received from all local highway authorities and a decision will be given when the announcement on the local transport settlement is made in December.

A scheme to improve the A.127 between M.25 and Rayleigh was withdrawn from the national road programme following the previous government's review of the programme in November 1995.