HL Deb 15 October 1997 vol 582 cc195-6WA
Lord Beaumont of Whitley

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they will use the present review of Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty to strengthen their role in planning and ensure that no future holiday village developments are allowed in such areas.

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions Baroness Hayman)

The review of Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONBs) to which the noble Lord refers is a consultation being carried out by the Countryside Commission and looking at the funding and management of AONBs. It does not deal with planning matters.

There are well established national policies for the protection of Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The primary objective of the AONB designation is conservation of the natural beauty of the landscape. Local authorities should reflect this objective in their structure and local plans, and in development control. In general, policies and development control decisions affecting AONBs should favour conservation of the natural beauty of the landscape. In all cases the environmental effects of new proposals will be a major consideration, though it will also be appropriate to have regard to the economic and social well-being of the areas.