HL Deb 20 March 1997 vol 579 c113WA
Lord Marlesford

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they are satisfied that the Highways Agency is fulfilling its obligation under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 to keep its road network clean, in respect of the A.11, A.12 and A.14 trunk roads and M.11 motorway respectively; when these roads were last cleared of litter; and when they are next due to be cleared of litter.

Viscount Goschen

Under the provisions of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 responsibility for litter clearance on motorways and a small number of all purpose trunk roads lies with the Highways Agency. Responsibility for litter clearance on the rest of the all purpose trunk road network, including the A.11, A.12 and A.14, lies with district councils.

The funding available for the Highways Agency's routine maintenance work this year has been extremely tight. In these circumstances the agency have taken the view that their prime concern must be to maintain the safety of the motorway and trunk road network. Consequently, those activities directly related to safety have first call on their funds.

This means that the normal programme of routine maintenance work carried out by their agent authorities, including regular proactive litter clearance on the motorways and the all-purpose trunk roads for which they have responsibility for litter, has had to be curtailed. The Highways Agency have instructed their agent authorities to clear litter only after it has built up to the intervention levels illustrated in the Environmental Protection Act 1990 Code of Practice on Litter and Refuse. We are satisfied that this fulfils the Highways Agency's obligations under the Act.

The last general litter clearance on the M.11 in Cambridgeshire was carried out in March 1996. It will be cleared again before the end of March 1997. The last general litter clearance on the M.11 in Essex was carried out in August 1996. A further clearance programme started on 27 February 1997. It is anticipated this work will be completed by the end of March.