HC Deb 20 March 1997 vol 292 cc739-40W
Mr. Steinberg

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland how much in public funds local enterprise companies in Scotland control. [21017]

Mr. Kynoch

In 1995–96 local enterprise companies' budgets accounted for £461.4 million—85 per cent.—of the overall budgets for the Scottish Enterprise and Highlands and Islands Enterprise network. That figure

Number of crimes recorded in 1985, by police authority
Police authority Housebreaking1 Serious assault etc.2 Petty assault Other violent crime3 Theft of motor vehicle
Borders 771 93 362 79 172
Central 4,048 209 1,773 378 869
Dumfries and Galloway 1,203 58 613 110 238
Fife 4,874 172 1,852 400 1,343
Grampian 5,530 403 3,482 630 1,243
Highland 1,595 72 1,085 163 521
Lothian 14,858 1,316 3,475 1,572 5,082
Orkney 30 9 53 6 16
Shetland 52 7 56 19 20
Strathclyde 61,506 3,193 17,367 6,515 19,171
Tayside 6,184 481 1,952 584 1,215
Western Isles 47 8 88 10 48
Scotland 100,698 6,021 32,158 10,466 29,938
1 Includes non-domestic and domestic premises.
2 Includes murder, attempted murder, culpable homicide and serious assault.
3 Includes handling offensive weapons, robbery, other non sexual crimes of violence and sexual assault.

Number of crimes recorded in 1992, by police authority
Police authority Housebreaking1 Serious assault etc.2 Petty assault Other violent crime3 Theft of motor vehicle
Borders 938 72 436 93 190
Central 3,579 354 2,159 651 1,152
Dumfries and Galloway 1,986 146 971 254 355
Fife 9,108 157 2,426 609 1,650
Grampian 7,050 401 4,473 777 1,841
Highland 1,342 119 1,440 285 357

includes £43.6 million for adult training allowances paid by Scottish Enterprise and Highlands and Islands Enterprise on behalf of their local enterprise companies.