HL Deb 20 March 1997 vol 579 cc85-7WA
Baroness Pike

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What are the key performance targets for the Court Service, Her Majesty's Land Registry and the Public Trust Office executive agencies for 1997–98.

The Lord Chancellor (Lord Mackay of Clashfern)

The following tables set out the key performance targets that I have set for the Court Service, Her Majesty's Land Registry and the Public Trust Office for 1997–98.

Court Service
Key Performance Targets 1997–98
Indicator Target
Quality of Service:
1. Average percentage of Charter standards achieved 99 per cent.
Civil Courts:
2. Percentage of Administrative process dealt with within target time 92 per cent.
Crown Court:
3. Percentage of defendants whose trial commences within target time (16 weeks) or less 75 per cent.
Unit costs (Civil):
4. Unit cost of an item of originating process in the civil courts £95
Cost recovery:
6. Percentage of the cost of the civil courts recovered through fees 91 per cent.
Unit costs (Crown):
5. Unit cost of a case in the Crown Court £1,926
HM Land Registry
Key Performance Indicators and Targets 1997–98
Indicator Target
Return on average capital employed1 2%
External Financing Limit £0
Cost per unit in real terms £26.67
Cost per unit in cash terms2 £29.94
Charter Standards
Percentage of pre-completion applications handled within two working days and 98%
Time taken to process all pre-completion applications 3 working days.
Time taken to process 80% of all registrations 25 working days.
Percentage of registrations handled free from any error 98.50%
Percentage of customers responding to the Annual Better than 90%
Survey who perceive the accuracy of registrations to be excellent or good (being the result of the 1996 survey)
Development of Land Registration
Bringing into force provisions of the land
Registration Act 1997 introducing new "triggers" for compulsory first registration 1 January 1998
Number of computerised titles in the Land Register (millions) 15.10
Number of computerised title plans (millions) 1.00
Number of scanned filed documents (millions) 0.60
Number of account holder using the Direct Access service at the end of the year 550
National Land Information Service
Feasibility study of the National Land Information Service Complete initial phases of feasibility study and report to Government by 31 December 1997
Fuller details of the agency's targets are given in its business plan, which is available from Her Majesty's Land Registry.
1 ROCE below 6% reflects agreement with HM Treasury to apply surplus income generated in 1993–95 (when ROCE exceeded 25% in each year) to fee reductions in 1996–99.
2 The inflation factor for the cost per unit in cash terms is derivedfrom the GDP indices announced by HM Treasury in Decemberl996.
Public Trust Office
Key Performance Indicators and Targets 1997–98
Indicator Target
1. To carry out accounting transactions within target times. To bring to account at least 98.5% of receipts and payments transactions within turnaround targets by volume weighted performance.
2. To achieve investment targets. To pay annually not less than the rate provided by the average of a model set of comparators for special and basic rate at 75% of special rate; on an annual basis to ensure that 85% of all measured funds perform in line or better than their model based on stock market indices; on a three year rolling basis to ensure that 80% of all measured funds perform in line or better than their model based on stock market indices.
3. To achieve Charter Standards. To achieve 98% of Charter Standards.
4. To achieve unit costs in activity areas. The cost per unit to be £195.65.
5. Percentage of full costs recovered. To ensure that 100% of full costs are recovered.


Fuller details of the agency's targets are given in its business plan, which is available from the Public Trust Office.

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