HC Deb 30 March 1995 vol 257 c809W
Mr. George Howarth

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what is the number of offences relating to assaults proved in disciplinary proceedings, including attempted assaults, incitement and assisting other prisoners in an assault and excluding criminal proceedings relating to assaults for each of the past 12 months in prisons in England and Wales. [16267]

Mr. Michael Forsyth

Responsibility for this matter has been delegated to the Director General of the Prison Service, who has been asked to arrange for a reply to be given.

Letter from Derek Lewis to Mr. George Howarth, dated 30 March 1995: The Home Secretary has asked me to reply to your recent Question about the number of proved offences of assault at disciplinary proceedings in each of the past 12 months. The information requested is given in the attached table, a copy of which will be placed in the Library of the House.

Table 1: Assaults proved at adjudication1, March 1994 to

February 1995 in Prison Service establishments, England and


Month Number of proved assaults2
March 497
April 449
May 494
June 433
July 462
August 532
September 494
October 495
November 468
December 469
January 479
February 415
1 Includes attempt, incite or assist in an assault.
2 Provisional figures.