HC Deb 19 July 1995 vol 263 c1458W
Mr. Godsiff

To ask the Secretary of State for National Heritage on what grounds the report by management consultants KPMG Peat Marwick into the Library Service has not been published; what conclusions the report reached in respect of the case for compulsory contracting out of the library service; and what is her policy in respect of these conclusions. [35449]

Mrs. Bottomley

I am publishing the report on contracting out in public libraries prepared to my Department's brief by the consultants KPMG and CPI today.

The preparation of the report involved experts from public libraries and local authorities. But I now wish to open up the issue for wider public consultation. It is important that this issue is considered in the wider context of the future direction of the public library service. So this report will clearly need to be seen in the light of other developments such as the recommendations of the Aslib review of public libraries in England and Wales—for example on what should constitute the core of a public library service. In this context I wish to make clear the Government's continuing commitment to a public library service, the core of which remains free of charge to the user.

To allow sufficient time for consideration of this detailed report, I suggest that comments reach my Department by 31 October 1995.

I should state that at this stage the Government has no firm views on the findings of the KPMG/CPI report. We will be considering them in the light of comments received, and conclusions emerging from other pieces of work such as the Aslib report. I expect to make a more detailed statement following the end of the consultation period.

I am placing a copy of the report in the Library of the House.

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