HL Deb 25 July 1994 vol 557 c59WA
Lord Hollick

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What steps they intend to take to secure an early review of the sentence of life imprisonment with no parole for 25 years, passed by courts in Arizona on a United Kingdom citizen, Elaine Prince-Patron.

Baroness Chalker of Wallasey

Mrs. Prince-Patron and her lawyer have a number of legal channels open to them to obtain a review of her sentence.

In addition to the appeal court process, Mrs. Prince-Patron can put her case to a State Parity Review Board which is empowered to compare and revise sentences handed down before 1st January 1994 in line with Arizona's new sentencing code.

Mrs Prince-Patron is currently seeking a post-sentence review based on the conduct of her previous trial.