HC Deb 16 February 1994 vol 237 cc775-6W
Mr. Luff

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport how many air misses there have been in each of the last five years involving aircraft taking off from or landing at each of(a) Heathrow, (b) Gatwick, (c) London City and (d) Birmingham airports.

TV Advertising Radio Advertising Newspaper Advertising Other Promotional Campaigns
Department of Transport
Road Safety Campaigns
Drink Drive None None Coastal Safety
Kill Your Speed Marine Safety
Rear Seat Belts Other Road Safety Topics Booklet to complement the BBC 'Drive' programme
Department Agencies—DVLA
Road Tax Evasion Road Tax Evasion Road Tax Evasion None
Vehicle Registration Numbers Vehicle Registration Numbers Vehicle Registration Numbers None

The objectives for road safety campaigns are to reduce road casualties by a third by the year 2000. Coastal and marine safety campaigns are designed to promote sea safety messages and awareness of coastguard services. The road tax and sale of vehicle registration numbers scheme campaigns are intended to encourage people to re-license their vehicles and to increase the sale of personalised numbers. The Department commissions independent research on all major campaigns to establish the effectiveness of its advertising.

For 1994–95 the Department plans to run television advertising on Drink Drive and Kill Your Speed and promotional campaigns on other road safety topics.

The Department's agencies plan to run television, newspaper and radio advertising on road tax evasion and sale of vehicle registration numbers and promotional campaigns on coastal and marine safety.

Mr. Norris

According to the records of the Civil Aviation Authority, reports of air miss type incidents submitted by pilots and air traffic controllers over the past five years, involving aircraft taking off from or landing at the airports in question, are given in the table. These figures include all reports, including those which were subsequently judged to involve no risk of collision:

Airport 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993
Heathrow 3 5 8 7 4
Gatwick 3 3 4 5 1
London City 0 0 0 1 0
Birmingham 1 2 1 0 2

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