HC Deb 12 December 1994 vol 251 c528W
Mr. Pawsey

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport (1) how motorway cleaning is funded; and what is its annual cost;

(2) how often the M1 in Northamptonshire is cleaned.

Mr. Watts

These are operational matters for the Highways Agency. I have asked the chief executive to write to my hon. Friend.

Letter from Lawrie Haynes to Mr. James Pausey, dated 12 December 1994: The Minister for Railways and Roads has asked me to answer your questions to the Secretary of State about motorway cleaning. The Highways Agency is responsible for ensuring trunk motorways are kept clean in accordance with a statutory Code of Practice issued under the Environmental Protection Act 1990. We spend some £5 millions annually from our maintenance budget on litter clearance, sweeping, grass cutting and other associated cleansing activities. In addition, regular safety patrols are undertaken to check, amongst other things, for hazardous debris. In Northamptonshire, the County Council is our Agent Authority for this maintenance work. Daily safety inspections are carried out on the M1. Any debris causing a safety hazard to road users is removed as quickly as possible—usually immediately. The presence of litter on the verges and side slopes is noted and cleared as soon as possible. The hard shoulder is swept mechanically every 8–10 weeks. Because of the dangers inherent in gaining access to the central reserve, and the disruption to traffic, cleaning there is undertaken in conjunction with routine or emergency maintenance operations to meet the standards of the Environmental Protection Act.