HL Deb 21 May 1992 vol 537 c46WA
Lord Judd

asked Her Majesty's Government:

How soon the food aid recently allocated by them and by the EC for Southern Africa and for the Horn of Africa will start to arrive; whether specific plans are in place to ensure that its shipment is effectively co-ordinated, taking into account port capacity and proximity to communities in greatest need.

Baroness Chalker of Wallasey

Deliveries of UK food aid for the Horn and southern African announced in February and March have already begun. The first shipment from the additional allocation for southern Africa announced on 29th April is expected to reach Mozambique in July. Deliveries of EC food aid from the recently approved special programme are expected to begin in mid-June. Both Her Majesty's Government and the European Commission are already in contact with the World Food Programme and other donors to ensure effective co-ordination and delivery of food aid arrangements. A logistics advice centre has recently been set up by SADCC and the World Food Programme in Harare to assist in this process. An informal co-ordination meeting of major food aid donors will also take place in Rome on 29th May.