HC Deb 13 July 1992 vol 211 cc434-7W
Mr. Darling

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what are the present waiting times until first interview for all categories of applicant in each country and at each post in the Indian subcontinent.

Mr. Lennox-Boyd

The estimated present waiting times to first interview (in months) are:

Subcontinent post Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Islamabad 3 3 6 9
Karachi 1 3 4 7
Dhaka 3 6 8 9
New Delhi 0 3 7 10
Bombay 0 4 9 12
Madras 1 1 1 1
Calcutta 1 week 1 week 1 week 1 week


Due to seasonal high demand, applicants for visit visas in Islamabad requiring a full interview can expect to wait between five and seven days. Elsewhere they are dealt with on day of interview.

Settlement queues are organised as follows:—

Q1 Persons with a claim to the right of abode, dependent relatives over 70 years, special compassionate cases.

Q2 All spouses and all children under 18 years.

Q3 Fiance(e)s and others applying for the first time.

Q4 Re-applicants.

Mr. Darling

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs how long a person applying for entry clearance for settlement at the British post in(a) Manila, (b) Accra, (c) Lagos, (d) Kingston, (e) Nicosia, (f) Cairo, (g) Bangkok and (h) Rabat on 31 March or the lastest convenient date could expect to wait for (i) interview, (ii) referral of the case to the Home Office and the requested information being received by the post, (iii) decisions and (iv) an explanatory statement prepared by the post in the event of an appeal against a refusal to be despatched to the immigration appellate authorities in the United Kingdom.

Mr. Lennox-Boyd

As at 30 June the timings required at (i), (ii) and (iv) were as follows.

The information requested at (iii) is not available. Times vary according to the circumstances of individual cases. Many decisions are made on the day of interview.

Post (i) (ii) (iv)
Manila 4 weeks 3 months 5 months
Accra 2 days 2 months 3 months
Lagos 1 day 3 months 3 months
Kingston 4 weeks 2–3 months 1 week
Nicosia 1 day 3 months 3 months
Cairo 1 day 3 months 1 month
Bangkok 8 weeks 2–3 months 2 months
Rabat 1–14 days 4 months 3 months

Mr. Darling

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs how many(a), men, (b) women and (c) children were waiting in each queue at each post in the Indian subcontinent on 31 March or the latest convenient date.

Mr. Lennox-Boyd

The number of men, women and children waiting in the settlement queues for interviews in the Indian sub-continent posts at 30 June is:

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Men 2 520 83 498
Women 6 405 82 50

Ql Q2 Q3 Q4
Children 9 64 l 45
Total 17 989 166 593
Men 0 38 9 7
Women 0 53 11 0
Children 0 5 0 0
Total 0 96 20 7
Dhaka 1 1 1 1
Total 351 1,580 214 275
New Delhi
Men 0 85 99 64
Women 0 194 142 44
Children 0 44 10 1
Total 0 323 251 109
Men 0 16 106 74
Women 0 315 125 33
Children 1 139 0 8
Total 1 470 231 115
Madras 1 1 1 1
Total 0 11 0 0
Calcutta 1 1 1 1
Total 0 2 0 0
Totals ISC 370 3,471 882 1,099
1 Breakdown not available.

Queue 1. Persons with a claim to the right of abode. Dependent relatives over 70 years old. Special compassionate cases.

Queue 2. All spouses and all children over 18 years.

Queue 3. Fiance(e)s and others applying for the first time 101 settlement.

Queue 4. Reapplicants.

There are no queues for visit applications other than in Islamabad, where due to seasonaly high demand, applicants requiring a full interview can expect to wait 5–7 days.

Mr. Darling

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs how long a person applying for entry clearance on 31 March or the latest convenient date at each post in the Indian subcontinent could expect to wait, in each queue, for(a) first interview, (b) referral of the case to the Home Office and the requested information being received by the post, (c) decision after first interview and (d) the explanatory statement prepared by the post in the case of appeal against any refusal to be dispatched to the immigration appellate authorities in the United Kingdom.

Mr. Lennox-Boyd

(a) As at June the estimated waiting times for settlement interviews (in months) were:

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Islamabad 3 3 6 9
Karachi 1 3 4 7
Dhaka 3 6 8 9

Ql Q2 Q3 Q4
New Delhi 0 3 7 10
Bombay 0 4 9 12
Madras 1 1 1 1
Calcutta 1 week 1 week 1 week 1 week

Settlement queues are organised as follows:

Q1 Persons with a claim to the right of abode, dependent relatives over 70 years, special compassionate cases.

Q2 All spouses and all children under 18 years.

Q3 Fiance(e)s and others applying for the first time.

Q4 Re-applicants.

Visit visa applications are dealt with within 24 hours except in Islamabad which, due to seasonal high demand, applicants requiring a full interview can expect to wait five to seven days.

(b) If referred to the Home Office, inquiries concerning applications may take from one to 12 months depending on individual circumstances.

(c) Decisions after first interview are taken within 24 hours in the majority of cases in Indian Sub-Continent posts.

(d) Dispatch times of explanatory statements are, at 30 June:

Settlement Non-Settlement
Islamabad 12 weeks 4 weeks
Karachi 8 weeks 4 weeks
Dhaka 12 weeks 12 weeks
New Delhi 12 weeks 4 weeks
Bombay 8 weeks 4 weeks
Madras 12 weeks 4 weeks
Calcutta 4 weeks 4 weeks

Mr. Darling

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs how many explanatory statements related to entry clearance appeals were awaiting typing at each post in the Indian subcontinent in Manila, Lagos and Accra, on the latest available date; how many staff are employed, both full-time and part-time, to type statements; and when he expects any backlogs to be cleared.

Mr. Lennox-Boyd

The information requested is given in the following table, as at 30 June,:

Post Number1 Number2
Islamabad 0 11
Karachi 1 1
Dhaka 176 5(3)
New Delhi 41 4
Bombay 4 (11)
Madras Nil 1
Calcutta 11 (1)
Manila 83 2
Lagos 4 3
Accra 22 1
1 Number of explanatory statements awaiting typing
2 Staff whose duties include typing explanatory statements; staff also employed on other typing duties shown in brackets.

The posts in Dhaka and Manila estimate that they should clear the backlogs in three months and two months respectively.

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