HC Deb 03 July 1991 vol 194 c161W
Mr. Hain

To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry whether he will place in the Library copies of the report he commissioned on the Post Office by the consultants Ernst and Young.

Mr. Leigh

No, since I have commissioned no reports on the Post Office from the consultants Ernst and Young.

Captive birds imported total Number dead on arrival (Percentage of total) Number dead in quarantine (Percentage of total)
1987 163,699 3,480 (2.13) 13,521 (8.26)
1988 184,577 4,732 (2.56) 20,619 (11.17)
1989 184,601 4,015 (2.17) 19,471 (10.55)

Source: Return of Proceedings under the Animal Health Act 1981 for the year 1987; Importation of Birds Mortality Statistics from Quarantine Returns for the years 1988 and 1989. The figures exclude importations of performing doves, racing pigeons and exotic poultry.

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