HL Deb 03 December 1991 vol 533 c6WA
Lord Mason of Barnsley

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they intend to reduce the number of North-East drift net licences with no replacements, and whether any estimate has been made of how long it will take to phase out completely the North-East drift net fishery;

When the National Rivers Authority is expected to report on the conclusions of the Government report on the salmon net fisheries, and whether the authority will be taking evidence from interested organisations such as the Atlantic Salmon Trust, the Salmon and Trout Association and the Tweed Commissioners; and,

Whether and to what extent the Yorkshire and Northumbrian regions of the National Rivers Authority are co-operating with efforts to phase out the offshore drift net fishery.

Baroness Trumpington

The Government have made clear their firm intention that the salmon drift net fishery off the North-East coast of England should be phased out as existing netsmen leave the fishery. The National Rivers Authority, which has a statutory duty to maintain, improve and develop fisheries, has been asked to come forward as soon as possible with proposals to achieve this. In doing so, it will no doubt be discussing the issues within its Northumbrian and Yorkshire regions. It will be for the NRA to decide whether to consult organisations such as AST, STA and the Tweed Commissioners.