HL Deb 15 January 1990 vol 514 c513WA
Baroness David

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they keep statistics on children born in prison, whether they are followed up when their mothers leave prison, what after-care there is, and where such information can be found.

Earl Ferrers

Arrangements are made for pregnant prisoners to be temporarily removed to outside hospitals in order to give birth. Statistics are provided in the annual reports on the work of the prison service. A copy of the latest report, Cmnd. 835, is available in the Library. When mothers with babies leave prison, the Probation Service can assist in the after-care arrangements by putting the mothers in touch with statutory or voluntary organisations and specialist agencies. Help can be provided in obtaining accommodation either in voluntary after-care approved hostels or private lodgings. The full range of local authority and health services are also available to mothers released from prison, and to their children.