HL Deb 16 March 1989 vol 505 c445WA
Lord Kennet

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What classes of development they themselves make environmental impact assessments within the meaning of the European Community directive on that subject.

Lord Hesketh

The Government will undertake environmental assessment for any project which it promotes and which requires assessment under the terms of the directive. This will include any project approved by specific legislation promoted by the Government even though such projects are exempted by Article 1.5 of the directive. In addition, as stated in paragraph49 of DoE Circular 15/88, the Ministry of Defence will, in appropriate circumstances and subject to considerations affecting national security, provide environmental statements in repect of major defence projects, and the Department of Transport will do so in respect of proposed new motorway service areas, even though the directive does not require EA for these types of development.