HL Deb 17 July 1989 vol 510 cc683-4WA
The Earl of Ilchester

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether the most recent survey of married quarters for officers and other ranks of the Armed Forces serving in the London area revealed a surplus or a deficiency of such accommodation.

Lord Trefgarne

As a general policy, married quarters are provided to accommodate within reasonable travelling distance of their place of duty all entitled service personnel who require them. At the present time we have sufficient quarters in the London area to cover our current requirements, and holdings are kept under regular review with the aim of ensuring that no more quarters are retained than are absolutely necessary. In addition to this regular review, we are currently carrying out an efficiency scrutiny into the provision of married quarters in the London area, under the auspices of the Cabinet Office Efficiency Unit. The scrutiny officer is due to report his findings in late August.

The Earl of Ilchester

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What is the likely effect on married quarter occupancy of the current review of Armed Forces London Area Allowances, and whether this review will be taken into account when assessing married quarters requirements over the next five years.

Lord Trefgarne

The review to which the noble Earl refers is not yet complete. However, I can provide an assurance that any changes which result from it will be taken into account in assessing the future requirements for married quarters in the London area.