HC Deb 19 May 1988 vol 133 cc554-5W
Mr. Allen

To ask the Secretary of State for Social Services if, pursuant to the reply of 10 May,Official Report, columns 89–90, he will supply the numbers for the disabled pensioners, single parents and other groups by category in the statistics for those claiming supplementary benefit in 1979 and in 1987 for the David Lane and Shakespeare street offices of his Department in Nottingham.

Mr. Portillo

Information is not available in the precise form requested.

The number of supplementary benefit claimants by category at 27 November 1979 and 18 November 1987 for the offices requested is as follows:

David Lane Shakespeare street
1979 1987 1979 1987
Claimant Category
Over pension age 3,163 3,360 4,988 5,146
Required to register for employment 1,530 5,228 1,906 5,265
Required to register for employment once a quarter 165 522 205 679
Not required to register for employment:
Women aged under 60 and receiving Widow's Benefit 83 37 49 58
Men aged 60–64 206 444
One-parent families with child(ren) under age 16 1,067 2,065 1,236 2,372
Incapable of work because of sickness or disability 501 823 653 1,043
Required at home to care for aged or sick person aged 16 or over 39 58 51 78
Others 126 244 116 335

Source: 100 per cent, count of cases in action.

Some claimants may fit a number of categories, but each claimant is counted only once for statistical purposes.