§ Mr. DobsonTo ask the Secretary of State for Social Services if he will list each Office of Population Censuses and Surveys monitor published since 1 January 1987, giving the title, date and numbers of copies distributed to date; how many have been distributed free of charge to(a) Government, National Health Service and other users and (b) press; and how many have been sold so far and at what price.
§ Mrs. CurrieUp to 31 December 1987. OPCS monitors were available free of charge. Following a review of published statistical data, with effect from 1 January 1988, some of the monitors were discontinued and a charging system for the continued monitors was introduced. A copy of the new arrangements has been placed in the Library.
The information requested is as follows. The sales figures are the numbers sold between 1 January and 29 April 1988.
- Monitor Reference No. WR Series
- Title: Registrar General's Weekly Return for England and Wales
- Date published: Weekly
- Number of copies distributed to—
- (a)Government-NHS and others: 2,415 approx. weekly
- (b)The Press: 10
- Numbers sold: Nil
- Monitor Reference No. VS Series
- Title: Live births, Stillbirths, and Deaths: Registrations Date published: Monthly
- Number of copies distributed to—
- (a)Government-NHS and others: 3,550 approx. monthly
- (b)The Press: Nil
- Numbers sold: Nil
- Monitor Reference No. DH3 87/1
- Title: Infant and Perinatal Mortality 1985 Birthweight
553 - Date published: 3 February 1987
- Number of copies distributed to—
- (a)Government-NHS and others: 2,750 (approx.)
- (b)The Press: 110
- Numbers sold: Nil
- Monitor Reference No. DH3 87/2
- Title: Infant and Perinatal Mortality 1985: DHAs
- Date published: 3 February 1987
- Number of copies distributed to—
- (a)Government-NHS and others: 2,850 (approx.)
- (b)The Press: 60
- Numbers sold: Nil
- Monitor Reference No. DH3 87/3
- Title: Infant and Perinatal Mortality 1985: RHAs
- Date published: 3 February 1987
- Number of copies distributed to—
- (a)Government-NHS and others: 2,800 (approx.)
- (b)The Press: 110
- Numbers sold: Nil
- Monitor Reference No. FMI 87/1
- Title: Live births during 1986
- Date published: 3 March 1987
- Number of copies distributed to—
- (a)Government-NHS and others: 3,800 (approx.)
- (b)The Press: 70
- Numbers sold: Nil
- Monitor Reference No. DH2 87/1
- Title: Deaths by cause: June quarter 1986
- Date published: 10 March 1987
- Number of copies distributed to—
- (a) Government-NHS and others: 3,200 (approx.)
- (b) The Press: 110
- Numbers sold: Nil
- Monitor Reference No. DH4 87/1
- Title: Deaths from accidents and violence June quarter 1986 Registrations
- Date published: 10 March 1987
- Number of copies distributed to—
- (a) Government/NHS and others: 2,400 (approx.)
- (b) The Press: 110
- Numbers sold: Nil
- Monitor Reference No. DH4 87/2
- Title: Fatal accidents occurring during sporting and leisure activities 1984 and 1985
- Date published: 10 March 1987
- Number of copies distributed to—
- (a)Government/NHS and others: 2,150 (approx.)
- (b)The Press: 75
- Numbers sold: Nil
- Monitor Reference No. AB 87/1
- Title: Legal abortions September quarter 1986
- Date published: 10 March 1987
- Number of copies distributed to—
- (a)Government/NHS and others: 2,750 (approx.)
- (b)The Press: 75
- Numbers sold: Nil
- Monitor Reference No. MN 87/1
- Title: International migration 1985
- Date published: 17 March 1987
- Number of copies distributed to—
- (a)Government/NHS and others: 3,100 (approx.)
- (b)The Press: 80
- Numbers sold: Nil
- Monitor Reference No. MB2 87/1
- Title: Infectious diseases December quarter 1985 Date published: 7 April 1987
- Number of copies distributed to—
- (a)Government/NHS and others: 2,520 (approx.)
- (b)The Press: 80
- Numbers sold: Nil
554 - Monitor Reference No. MN 87/2
- Title: Recorded internal population movements in the United Kingdom Mid 1985-mid 1986
- Date published: 12 May 1987
- Number of copies distributed to—
- (a)Government/NHS and others: 2,820 (approx.)
- (b)The Press: 430
- Numbers sold: Nil
- Monitor Reference No. MB4 87/1
- Title: Hospital In-patient Enquiry (England) Trends 1979–1985
- Date published: 19 May 1987
- Number of copies distributed to—
- (a)Government/NHS and others: 2,340 (approx.)
- (b)The Press: 110
- Numbers sold: Nil
- Monitor Reference No. DH2 87/2
- Title: Deaths by cause, September quarter 1986
- Date published: 26 May 1987
- Number of copies distributed to—
- (a)Government-NHS and others: 3,170 (approx.)
- (b)The Press: 80
- Numbers sold: Nil
- Monitor Reference No. DH4 87/3
- Title: Deaths from accidents and violence September quarter 1986
- Date published: 26 May 1987
- Number of copies distributed to—
- (a)Government-NHS and others: 2,540 (approx.)
- (b)The Press: 60
- Numbers sold: Nil
- Monitor Reference No. AB 87/2
- Title: Legal abortions, December quarter 1986
- Date published: 9 June 1987
- Number of copies distributed to—
- (a) Government-NHS and others: 3,240 (approx.)
- (b) The Press: 60
- Numbers sold: Nil
- Monitor Reference No. AB 87/3
- Title: Legal abortions 1986
- Date published: 9 June 1987
- Number of copies distributed to—
- (a)Government-NHS and others: 3,340 (approx.)
- (b)The Press: 60
- Numbers sold: Nil
- Monitor Reference No. PP1 87/1
- Title: Mid 1986 population estimates for England and Wales
- Date published: 16 June 1987
- Number of copies distributed to—
- (a)Government-NHS and others: 4,660 (approx.)
- (b)The Press: 390
- Numbers sold: Nil
- Monitor Reference No. MN 87/3
- Title: International migration: mid 1985 to mid 1986
- Date published: 30 June 1987
- Number of copies distributed to—
- (a)Government-NHS and others: 3,180 (approx.)
- (b)The Press: 80
- Numbers sold: Nil
- Monitor Reference No. AB 87/4
- Title: Legal abortions 1986; residents of regional and district health areas
- Date published: 30 June 1987
- Number of copies distributed to—
- (a)Government-NHS and others: 2,730 (approx.)
- (b)The Press: 370
- Numbers sold: Nil
- Monitor Reference No. MB2 87/2
- Title: Infectious diseases, March quarter 1986
- Date published: 21 July 1987
- Number of copies distributed to—
- (a)Government/NHS and others: 2,690 (approx.)
- (b)The Press: 60
- Numbers sold: Nil
- Monitor Reference No. FM3 87/1
- Title: Adoptions in England and Wales notified during 1985 and 1986
- Date published: 11 August 1987
- Number of copies distributed to—
- (a) Government/NHS and others: 1,490 (approx.)
- (b) The Press: 60
- Numbers sold: Nil
- Monitor Reference No. MB4 87/2
- Title: Hospital In-patient Enquiry (England): Maternity statistics 1982 (revised), 1983 and 1984
- Date published: 18 August 1987
- Number of copies distributed to—
- (a)Government/NHS and others: 2,440 (approx.)
- (b)The Press: 60
- Numbers sold: Nil
- Monitor Reference No. AB 87/5
- Title: Legal abortions, March quarter 1987
- Date published: 2 September 1987
- Number of copies distributed to—
- (a) Government/NHS and others: 3,140 (approx.)
- (b) The Press: 60
- Numbers sold: Nil
- Monitor Reference No. FM1 87/2
- Title: Trends in conceptions to women residents in England and Wales 1975–85
- Date published: 2 September 1987
- Number of copies distributed to—
- (a)Government/NHS and others: 3,800 (approx.)
- (b)The Press: 60
- Numbers sold: Nil
- Monitor Reference No. MB2 87/3
- Title: Infectious diseases, June quarter 1986
- Date published: 2 September 1987
- Number of copies distributed to—
- (a) Government/NHS and others: 2,590 (approx.)
- (b) The Press: 110
- Numbers sold: Nil
- Monitor Reference No. DH2 87/3
- Title: Deaths by cause 1986
- Date published: 8 September 1987
- Number of copies distributed to—
- (a)Government/NHS and others: 3,140 (approx.)
- (b)The Press: 60
- Numbers sold: Nil
- Monitor Reference No. DH4 87/4
- Title: Deaths from accidents and violence 1986
- Date published: 8 September 1987
- Number of copies distributed to—
- (a)Government/NHS and others: 2,560 (approx)
- (b)The Press: 60
- Numbers sold: Nil
- Monitor Reference No. MB3 87/1
- Title: Congenital malformations and monitoring system 1986
- Date published: 22 September 1987
- Number of copies distributed to—
- (a)Government/NHS and others: 2,590 (approx)
- (b)The Press: 60
- Numbers sold: Nil
- Monitor Reference No. FM1 87/3
- Title: Births by birthplace of mother, 1986: local authority areas
- Date published: 13 October 1987
- Number of copies distributed to—
- (a)Government/NHS and others: 3,760)
- (b)The Press: 340
- Numbers sold: Nil
556 - Monitor Reference No FM2 87/1
- Title: Marriages in England and Wales during 1986
- Date published: 13 October 1987
- Number of copies distributed to—
- (a)Government/NHS and others: 2,490 (approx)
- (b)The Press: 60
- Numbers sold: Nil
- Monitor Reference No. FM2 87/2
- Title: Divorces in England and Wales during 1986
- Date published: 13 October 1987
- Number of copies distributed to—
- (a)Government/NHS and others: 2,540 (approx)
- (b)The Press: 60
- Numbers sold: Nil
- Monitor Reference No. DH2 87/4
- Title: Deaths by cause, March quarter 1987 registrations Date published: 17 November 1987
- Number of copies distributed to—
- (a)Government/NHS and others: 3,240 (approx)
- (b)The Press: 60
- Numbers sold: Nil
- Monitor Reference No. DH4 87/5
- Title: Deaths from accidents and violence: March quarter 1987 registrations
- Date published: 17 November 1987
- Number of copies distributed to—
- (a)Government/NHS and others: 2,390 (approx)
- (b)The Press:60
- Numbers sold: Nil
- Monitor Reference No. MB2 87/4
- Title: Infectious diseases, September quarter 1986
- Date published: 24 November 1987
- Number of copies distributed to—
- (a)Government-NHS and others: 2,440 (approx)
- (b)The Press: 60
- Numbers sold: Nil
- Monitor Reference No. MB4 87/3
- Title: Hospital In-patient Enquiry (England) Day case statistics 1985
- Date published: 1 December 1987
- Number of copies distributed to—
- (a)Government-NHS and others: 2.090 (approx)
- (b)The Press: 60
- Numbers sold: Nil
- Monitor Reference No. AB 87/6
- Title: Legal abortions, June quarter 1987
- Date published: 8 December 1987
- Number of copies distributed to—
- (a) Government-NHS and others: 3,340 (approx)
- (b) The Press: 60
- Numbers sold: Nil
- Monitor Reference No. MB2 87/5
- Title: Infectious diseases, December quarter 1986
- Date published: 15 December 1987
- Number of copies distributed to—
- (a)Government-NHS and others: 2,610 (approx)
- (b)The Press: 60
- Numbers sold: Nil
- Monitor Reference No. DH3 87/4
- Title: Infant and perinatal mortality 1986 DHAs
- Date published: 15 December 1987
- Number of copies distributed to—
- (a)Government-NHS and others: 2,800 (approx)
- (b)The Press: 65
- Numbers sold: Nil
- Monitor Reference No. WR
- Title: Registrar General's Weekly Return for England and Wales
- Date published: Weekly
- Number of copies distributed to—
- (a)Government-NHS and others: 1,261
- (b)The Press: 20
- Numbers sold: 338
- Price: £1.00*
- Monitor Reference No. MB4 88/1
- Title: Hospital In-patient Enquiry (England) Maternity statistics 1985
- Date published: 18 January 1988
- Number of copies distributed to—
- (a)Government-NHS and others: 2,400
- (b)The Press: 60
- Numbers sold: Nil
- Price: Unpriced
- Monitor Reference No. PP3 88/1
- Title: Mid 1985-based population projections for authority areas in England
- Date published: 19 January 1988
- Number of copies distributed to—
- (a)Government-NHS and others: 1,762
- (b)The Press: 360
- Numbers sold: 762
- Price: £2.00*
- Monitor Reference No. SS 88/1
- Title: Cigarette smoking 1972 to 1986
- Date published: 9 February 1988
- Number of copies distributed to—
- (a)Government-NHS and others: 1,232
- (b)The Press: 120
- Numbers sold: 507
- Price: £2.00
- Monitor Reference No. DH4 88/1
- Title: Deaths from accidents and violence, June quarter 1987 registrations
- Date published: 9 February 1988
- Number of copies distributed to—
- (a)Government-NHS and others: 1,423
- (b)The Press: 80
- Numbers sold: 578
- Price: £1.00*
- Monitor Reference No. DH2 88/1
- Title: Deaths by cause, June quarter 1987 registrations
- Date published: 9 February 1988
- Number of copies distributed to—
- (a)Government-NHS and others: 1,423
- (b)The Press: 80
- Numbers sold: 578
- Price: £1.00*
- Monitor Reference No. PP3 88/2
- Title: Mid 1985-based population projections for health authority areas in England
- Date published: 8 March 1988
- Number of copies distributed to—
- (a)Government-NHS and others: 1,762
- (b)The Press: 360
- Numbers sold: 762
- Price: £1.50
- Monitor Reference No. AB 88/1
- Title: Legal abortions, September quarter 1987 Date published: 8 March 1988
- Number of copies distributed to—
- (a)Government-NHS and others: 1,452
- (b)The Press: 80
- Numbers sold: 574
- Price: £1.00*
- Monitor Reference No. MB2 88/1
- Title: Infectious diseases, March quarter 1987
- Date published: 29 March 1988
- Number of copies distributed to—
- (a)Government-NHS and others: 1,432
- (b)The Press: 80
- Numbers sold: 509
- Price: £2.50*
558 - Monitor Reference No. DH4 88/2
- Title: Deaths from accidents and violence. September quarter 1987 registrations
- Date published: 12 April 1988
- Number of copies distributed to—
- (a)Government-NHS and others: 1,423
- (b)The Press: 80
- Numbers sold: 578
- Price: £1.00*
- Monitor Reference No. DH2 88/2
- Title: Deaths by cause, September quarter 1987 registrations
- Date published: 12 April 1988
- Number of copies distributed to—
- (a) Government-NHS and others: 1,423 local
- (b) The Press: 80
- Numbers sold: 578
- Price: £1.00*
- Monitor Reference No. EL 88/1
- Title: Electoral statistics 1988, local government areas Date published: 26 April 1988
- Number of copies distributed to—
- (a)Government-NHS and others: 1,106
- (b)The Press: 480
- Numbers sold: 528
- Price: £2.00
- Monitor Reference No. DH3 88/1
- Title: Infant and perinatal mortality 1986 Birthweight
- Date published: 26 April 1988
- Number of copies distributed to—
- (a)Government-NHS and others: 1,456
- (b)The Press: 80
- Numbers sold: 535
- Price: £1.50
- * Also available on subscription.