- Heanor Hospital, Derbyshire 54 words c544W
- Israel 73 words c544W
- Gibraltar (Shootings) 63 words cc544-5W
- Chemical Warfare Establishments 1,037 words cc545-6W
- SOCIAL SERVICES 86 words cc546-7W
- Staffing (Trent Region) 760 words cc547-9W
- Waltham Forest (Hospital Beds) 765 words c549W
- NHS Property 127 words cc549-51W
- Social Security Reform 745 words c551W
- Family Credit 31 words c551W
- Housing Benefit 68 words c551W
- South Manchester Community Health Council 57 words c551W
- Community Care 51 words cc551-2W
- Rating Reform 233 words cc552-8W
- Office of Population Censuses and Surveys 2,078 words
- ENERGY cc558-60W
- Petroleum Licences 1,030 words c560W
- British Coal (Investment) 58 words