HC Deb 26 April 1988 vol 132 cc145-6W
32. Mr. Darling

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence when he expects to be in a position to assess the effectiveness of his Department's implementation of the recommendations contained in the report, "Learning from Experience", in relation to overspending on defence contracts.

37. Mr. Grocott

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence when he expects to be in a position to assess the effectiveness of his Department's implementation of the recommendations contained in the report, "Learning from Experience", in relation to overspending on defence contracts.

Mr. Sainsbury

The report "Learning from Experience" acknowledged the many improvements that have already been made in procurement procedures in recent years. Implementation of recommendations from the report is under way and progress will be kept under continual review.

57. Mr. Day

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what progress has been made in the initiative to publicise defence contract opportunities in France and the United States of America in order to encourage mutual purchases of equipment.

Mr. Sainsbury

Discussions with the French have led to the publication of a French contracts bulletin similar to that in the UK. The US Government also publish their own contract opportunities, and local US requirements are publicised from time to time in the British contracts bulletin. In addition, Anglo-French equipment con-ferences are held to discuss forthcoming requirements.