Lord Chelwoodasked Her Majesty's Government:
Whether they will publish figures in tabular form to show the take-up of disability benefits over the last five years, what fresh steps they now propose to ensure that disabled people are better informed of their rights and what has been the approximate saving to the Treasury through unclaimed disability benefits in 1986–87.
§ Lord SkelmersdaleThe estimated average numbers receiving disability benefits as any one time over the last five years was as follows:
1982–83 1983–84 1984–85 1985–86 1986–87 Attendance allowance 390 445 490 555 600 Invalid care allowance 10 10 10 10 80 Invalidity benefit 700 760 825 865 915 Mobility allowance 265 315 355 395 450 Non-contributory invalidity pension 195 210 225 — — (to November 1984) Severe disablement allowance — — 245 245 245 (from November 1984) Source: The Government's Expenditure Plans 1987–88 to 1989–90 (CM 56)—Table 3.15.5
These figures show that there has been a steep rise in the numbers receiving disability benefits and we shall continue our efforts to improve advice and information about the benefits available. I regret that information is not available about the numbers of disabled people who have not yet taken up their benefit entitlement.