HL Deb 18 March 1987 vol 485 c1510WA
Lord Kennet

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Why, as appears from their recent statement about Light Dues (answer from Mr. Moore, House of Commons Hansard, 4th February 1987, col. 663), they are giving no consideration to the possibility of joining together with the other governments with responsibilities for traffic management, etc., in the North European seas to develop a commonly funded system for the provision of the various navigation aids on which all ships in these seas depend; and

Whether in examining the feasibility of extending light dues liability to fishing vessels, they are also considering the desirability of establishing, EC-wide, a uniform system of financing lights and navigational aids to shipping, so that this particular cost shall not constitute a differential levy on vessels using British ports, and whether these matters are within the remit of Messrs. Arthur Young and Co.'s study.

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department of Transport (Lord Brabazon of Tara)

The establishment of a commonly-funded European system, whether within the EC or outside it, would necessarily entail Government financing, either directly or indirectly. But the Government think the cost of marine navigation aids should be borne, within the limits of administrative practicability, not by the Government but by those who use the services. For this reason the matter has not been pursued, nor is it within the scope of the studies of lighthouse and related matters undertaken by Arthur Young and Co. or Arthur Anderson and Co.