HC Deb 10 February 1987 vol 110 cc198-9W
47. Mr. Willie W. Hamilton

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what new initiatives he has for increasing nursing recruitment and for reducing the annual wastage of qualified nurses from the National Health Service.

Mr. Newton

The position in London is currently the subject of a review commissioned by the National Health Service Management Board. The Department is also currently undertaking a special inquiry into nurse recruitment and retention problems across the country with the aim of identifying management action which may be required to overcome recruitment difficulties. The management and staff sides of the Nursing and Midwifery Staff Negotiating Council are reviewing nursing clinical grading structure and are aiming to develop a structure which is appropriate to current and future needs. A joint DHSS-NHS group is examining equal opportunities, with specific reference to management of the career break. Additionally health authorities have been asked to consider increasing male recruitment, making greater efforts to recruit mature entrants, organise "Back to Nursing" campaigns, establish nurse banks and give more opportunities for flexible working arrangements, part-time working and job sharing.

Finally, as an immediate response to the "Project 2000" proposals on future nurse education and training published by the United Kingdom Central council for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting, the Department is setting up a major feasibility study into the extended use of the youth training scheme in the National Health Service. A feature of this study is to look at the way such training might facilitate entry to professional nurse training and thus help to alleviate recruitment difficulties.

48. Mr. Fallon

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services how many nurses are employed in the northern National Health Service region; and how many were employed in 1979.

Mr. Newton

The information requested is shown in the table.

National Health Service staff in post
Northern RHA whole time equivalents1
30 Sept. 1979 30 Sept.1985 30 June4 1986
Directly Employed Nursing and Midwifery staff2 3 23,940 27,110 27,390
Source: DHSS Annual Census of NHS Non-Medical Manpower.
1 Figures are independently rounded to the nearest ten (10) whole time equivalents.
2 Includes agency nursing and midwifery staff.
3 Figures arc not adjusted for the effect of the reduction in nurses' working hours during 1980 (from 40 to 37.5 hours per week).
4 Not validated below this level of detail.