HC Deb 09 February 1987 vol 110 cc109-10W
Mr. Dobson

asked the Prime Minister how many units of accommodation are provided for (a) firefighters, (b) policemen-policewomen and (c) nurses both in absolute terms and relative to the number of employees in each group; what types of accommodation are provided for each of the three groups; and what is the average annual monthly cost and rent per unit of accommodation provided to each group expressed both in absolute terms and relative to the average monthly salary for each group.

The Prime Minister

The total stock of police quarters in England arid Wales at the end of 1986 was 16,573 and

Source MOD Defence Estimates

General Notes to Tables:

The following factors should be borne in mind if comparisons are to be drawn between the information supplied for the NHS and the Armed Forces:

  1. 1. Differences in normal working week of nursing staff: 37.5 hours per week in the NHS, but 40 hours per week in the armed forces.
  2. 2. Differences in types of patients treated: NHS hospitals treat patients from the acute, geriatric, mental illness, mental handicap and maternity sectors; whereas Service hospitals cover acute and maternity patients.
  3. 3. Differences in staffing policies; armed forces hospitals are necessarily staffed in order to meet their war role requirements.

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