HL Deb 02 February 1987 vol 484 cc122-4WA
Lord Blease

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they will publish in the Official Report a list of initiatives by the Northern Ireland Office and by the respective Northern Ireland departments which, since 1979, have been promoted to deal with employment, training and enterprise development; and whether they will indicate which of these initiatives and measures are currently available to people in Northern Ireland.

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Northern Ireland Office (Lord Lyell)

Initiatives in the specified categories introduced by Northern Ireland departments and by the industrial development organisations—the Industrial Development Board for Northern Ireland and the Local Enterprise Development Unit—since 1979 are:


  • New Workers Scheme
  • *Job Splitting Scheme
  • *Young Workers Scheme
  • *Temporary Short Time Working Compensation Scheme
  • Fit for Work Award Scheme
  • Action for Community Employment Scheme
  • Sheltered Placement Scheme
  • Community Volunteering Scheme
  • Personal Reader Service for Visually Handicapped People
  • Code of Good Practice on the Employment of Disabled People
  • Jobclubs
  • Restart Programme
  • Restart Courses
  • Jobstart Allowance Scheme
  • Travel to Interview Scheme


  • Creation of the Manpower Council (formerly the Manpower Advisory Council)
  • Creation of the NI Training Authority
  • Skill Training Scheme
  • Bridge Programme
  • Graduate Attachment Scheme
  • Management Extension Programme
  • Redundant Managers Scheme
  • Pilot Manpower/Training Scheme
  • Trainee Manager Development Scheme
  • Training Grant Scheme
  • Consultant Grant Scheme
  • *Apprentice Training Grant Scheme
  • *Computer Skills Training Scheme
  • Food Technology Course for the Food & Drink Industry
  • Diploma Course in Agriculture
  • Youth Training Programme


  • Enterprise Allowance Scheme
  • New Enterprise Programme
  • Graduate Enterprise Programme
  • Start Your Own Business
  • Get Ready for Business
  • European Export Marketing Programme
  • US Export Marketing Programme
  • Enterprise Grant
  • Market Development Grant
  • Private Developers Scheme
  • Local Enterprise Programme
  • Interest Relief Grant on Factoring
  • New Enterprise Workshop
  • Innovation Centre
  • Small Firms Counselling Service
  • Technical Enquiries Service
  • Design Consultancy Scheme
  • Better Business Services
  • Innovation Support Services
  • 124
  • Food Technology Service for the Food Industry 40/30 Plan
  • Corporation Tax Relief Grant
  • Industrial De-Rating
  • Management Incentive Grant
  • Advisory Service to Industry
  • Belfast Enterprise Zone
  • Londonderry Enterprise Zone
  • Urban Development Grants
  • *Market Research Grant Scheme
  • *Fairs and Exhibitions Grants Scheme

*Not currently available in Northern Ireland.

An Action for Jobs in Northern Ireland booklet was issued by the Department of Economic Development on 24th June 1986 which identifies employment, training and enterprise programmes available in Northern Ireland. Schemes of support and assistance promoted by the Industrial Development Board are contained in the October 1986 publication entitled Support for Business. Encouraging Enterprise: A Medium Term Strategy for 1985–1990 set out the strategy adopted by the Industrial Development Board in pursuit of its objectives.

A copy of each of these publications has been placed in the Library. Prior to September 1982 the functions of the Industrial Development Board were carried out by the Department of Commerce and the Northern Ireland Development Agency.