HC Deb 04 December 1986 vol 106 c710W
Mr. Tom Cox

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department what is the number of foreign nationals at present serving sentences in Her Majesty's prisons.

Mr. Mellor

The estimated sentenced population of foreign nationality, other than citizens of Commonwealth countries, Pakistan and the Republic of Ireland, in Prison Department establishments in England and Wales was about 700 on 31 August 1986. The recording of nationality for citizens of Commonwealth countries, Pakistan and the Republic of Ireland is not sufficiently reliable for estimates of their numbers to be given.

Mr. Tom Cox

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department what was the number of prison adjudications for each of the last five years.

Mr. Mellor

Statistics of the number of offences punished in each of the last 11 years are published annually in "Prison statistics England and Wales" (table 9.1) of the latest issue for 1985, (Cmnd. 9903). More than one charge may be dealt with at the same adjudication and the numbers of adjudications are not recorded centrally.