The following list includes all Private Members' Bills introduced into the House of Lords in Sessions 1954–55 to 1984–85 inclusive. Sixty-nine out of the total of 376 Bills received Royal Assent. Bills brought from the House of Commons are not included.
Session |
Bill (Those marked with an asterisk received Royal Assent) |
1958–59 |
Domicile |
Leasehold Enfranchisement and Restrictive Covenants |
Mock Auctions |
*Solicitors (Amendment) |
1959–60 |
Administration of Justice (Contempt of Court) |
Education (Amendment) |
Fines |
*Marriage (Enabling) |
1960–61 |
Affiliation Proceedings (Blood Tests) |
Right of Privacy |
1961–62 |
*Animals (Cruel Poisons) |
Boxing |
*British Museum |
Racial Discrimination |
1962–63 |
Burial and Cremation |
Hire-Purchase (Amendment) |
Married Women's Savings |
*Performers' Protection |
Private Street Works |
Sale of Dead Wild Geese Prohibition |
Slaughter of Animals |
*Stock Transfer |
1963–64 |
*Divorce (Scotland) |
*Episcopal Church (Scotland) |
*Films |
Hire-Purchase |
*Married Women's Property |
*New Forest |
*Protection of Animals (Anaesthetics) |
*Trustee Savings Banks |
1964–65 |
Dogs |
*Justices of the Peace |
Licensing (Scotland) |
National Assistance |
National Insurance (Further Provisions) |
Performing Animals |
Protection of Birds |
Railway Closures |
*Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries |
Sexual Offences |
*Solicitors |
*Solicitors (Scotland) |
Sweepstakes on Horseraces (Authorisation) |
1965–66 |
Abortion |
Matrimonial Homes |
Sexual Offences |
1966–67 |
Abortion |
*Deer (Amendment) (Scotland) |
Local Government (Rights of the Public) |
*Matrimonial Homes |
*Private Places of Entertainment (Licensing) |
*Protection of Birds |
Racial and Religious Discrimination |
*Refreshment Houses |
Registration and Control of Unlicensed Clubs |
Sale of Goods |
Sexual Offences |
Sporting Events (Betting) |
Strengthening of Marriage |
Sunday Entertainments |
Transport Users Consultative Committees |
1967–68 |
Conservation of Seals |
Electricity |
Government of Wales |
House of Lords (Composition and Functions) |
Local Government |
Parliament |
Ponies |
Shops (Sunday Trading) |
Shops (Sunday Trading) (No. 2) |
Street Offences |
Session |
Bill (Those marked with an asterisk received Royal Assent) |
1968–69 |
*Betting, Gaming and Lotteries (Amendment) |
Companies (Political Contributions) |
Conservation of Seals |
Export of Animals for Research |
Gaming (Amendment) |
Gaming (Amendment) (No. 2) |
Lotteries (Greater London Council) |
Parliament |
Parliament (No. 6) |
Personal Records (Computers) |
*Sharing of Church Buildings |
Street Offences |
Trustee Investments (National Debt Commissioners) (Amendment) |
Voluntary Euthanasia |
1969–70 |
Companies (Political Contributions) |
Copyright (Royalties on Records) |
Consumer Protection (Amendment) |
*Game |
Fireworks Safety |
*Indecent Advertisements (Amendment) |
Parliament |
*New Forest |
*Proceedings against Estates |
Trustees Investments (National Debt Commissioners) (Amendment) |
*Riding Establishments |
Street Offences |
Television (Advertisements) |
1970–71 |
Consumer Protection (Amendment) |
*Copyright (Amendment) |
*Consumer Protection |
Bill of Rights |
*Betting, Gaming and Lotteries (Amendment) |
Aircraft (Offences) |
Meteorites |
Northern Ireland Bill of Rights |
Matrimonial Proceedings (Polygamous Marriages) |
Sunday Entertainments (Amendment) |
Visiting Forces |
Shops (Sunday Trading) |
Dog Licences |
Sunday Theatre |
1971–72 |
Anti-Discrimination (No. 2) |
Control of Zoological Gardens |
Control of Zoological Gardens (No. 2) |
Diseases of Animals (Amendment) |
*Harbours, Piers and Ferries (Scotland) |
Hare Coursing (Abolition) (No. 2) |
Landlord and Tenant (Business Compensation) |
Northern Ireland Bill of Rights |
Northern Ireland Proportional Representation |
*Performers Protection |
Queen Anne's Mansions |
*Social Work (Scotland) |
Solicitors (Amendment) |
*Sunday Cinema |
Sunday Theatre |
*Sunday Theatre (No. 2) |
1972–73 |
*Badgers |
College of Arms |
Control of Zoological Gardens |
Education (Amendment) |
Endowed Schools Act (Amendment) |
Immigration Act 1971 (Amendment) |
Landlord and Tenant (Shops Compensation) |
London Parish Councils |
Rehabilitation of Offenders |
Sex Discrimination |
Solicitors (Amendment) |
*Succession (Scotland) |
1973–74 |
Civil Aviation (Amendment) |
Control of Zoological Gardens |
Cruel Experiments |
Education (Amendment) |
Endangered Species |
Immigration |
Protection of Minors |
Session |
Bill (Those marked with an asterisk received Royal Assent) |
Senior and Older Workers (Employment) |
Small Authorities' Lotteries |
Wild Plants Protection |
1974 |
*Carriage of Passengers by Road |
Education (Amendment) |
Endangered Species |
Farriers (Registration) |
*Education (Mentally Handicapped Children) (Scotland) |
Immigration |
Lead Content (Petrol) |
*Lord Chancellor (Tenure of Office and Discharge of Ecclesiastical Functions) |
Local Lotteries |
*Parks Regulation (Amendment) |
*Mines (Working Facilities and Support) |
Race Relations |
Small Authorities (Lotteries) |
Representation of the People (European Communities) |
Spouses (Equal Treatment) |
*Rehabilitation of Offenders |
*Town and Country Amenities |
1974–75 |
Conservation of Wild Creatures |
Cruelty to Animals |
Divorce (Scotland) |
Education (Amendment) |
Endangered Species |
Immigration |
Public Lending Right |
Race Relations |
Railways (Transfer of Undertakings) |
Solicitors (Amendment) |
Waterways |
Wild Plants Protection |
1975–76 |
Bill of Rights |
Bill of Rights (Northern Ireland) |
Divorce (Scotland) |
Endangered Species |
Employment Protection (Amendment) |
Incurable Patients |
Licensing (Amendment) |
Northern Ireland (Trial of Terrorists and Witness Protection) |
Parochial Records |
*Solicitors (Scotland) |
Shops (Holiday Resorts Sunday Trading) |
1976–77 |
Bill of Rights |
Bill of Rights (Northern Ireland) |
Construction of Roads (Time Limit) |
Cruelty to Animals |
Deer |
Detonators |
Divorce Reform (Northern Ireland) |
Education (Northern Ireland) |
*Farriers (Registration) (Amendment) |
Foreign Boycotts |
Import of Live Fish (Scotland) |
National Land Fund |
Otter Hunting Regulation |
Public Lending Right |
Representation of the People (Amendment) |
Road Traffic (Seat Belts) |
Road Traffic (Seat Belts) (No. 2) |
Sale of Lordships of Manors |
Service Widows (Equality of Pensions) (No. 2) |
Sexual Offences (Amendment) |
Sexual Offences (Scotland) |
1977–78 |
Blasphemy (Abolition of Offence) |
Conservation of Wild Creatures and Wild Plants (Amendment) |
*Education (Northern Ireland) |
Films |
Foreign Boycotts |
*Import of Live Fish (Scotland) |
*Industrial and Provident Societies |
Prayer Book (Ballot of Laity) |
Session |
Bill (Those marked with an asterisk received Royal Assent) |
1978–79 |
Antiquities |
Conservation of Wild Creatures and Wild Plants (Amendment) |
Countryside (Amendment) (Scotland) |
*Criminal Evidence |
Deer |
Direct Labour (Major Accounting Works) |
Marriage (Enabling) |
National Land Fund |
Public Records (Amendment) |
Representation of People (Armed Forces) |
Shops (Sunday Trading) |
Suspected Persons (Arbitration) |
Water Charges (Launderettes) |
1979–80 |
*Betting, Gaming and Lotteries (Amendment) |
Betting, Gaming and Lotteries (Amendment) (No. 2) |
Bill of Rights |
Conservation of Wild Creatures and Wild Plants (Amendment) |
Constitutional Referendum |
Criminal Injuries Compensation |
Criminal Justice (Amendment) |
Dealings with Witnesses |
Disused Burial Grounds (Amendment) |
Furskins |
*Gaming (Amendment) |
Hypnotism |
Interpretation of legislation |
Laboratory Animals Protection |
Local Government Grants (Ethnic Groups) |
Marriage (Enabling) |
Matrimonial Homes (Co-ownership) |
Public Records Amendment |
Representation of the People (Armed Forces) |
Street Offences (Amendment) |
Trees (Replanting and Replacement) |
Water Charges (Launderettes) |
1980–81 |
Betting, Gaming and Lotteries (Amendment) |
Beverage Containers |
Bill of Rights |
Boxing |
Constitutional Referendum |
*Criminal Justice (Amendment) |
*Disused Burial Grounds (Amendment) |
*Forgery and Counterfeiting |
Harbours (Transport of Farm Animals) |
Interpretation of Legislation |
Laboratory Animals Protection |
*Licensing (Amendment) |
Licensing Amendment (Off-Licences) |
Marriage Enabling |
Marriage (Stepparents and Stepchildren) |
*Matrimonial Homes and Property |
Pet Animals Act 1951 (Amendment) |
Prayer Book Protection |
Representation of the People |
Road Traffic (Seat Belts) |
Slaughter of Animals |
Trees (Replanting and Replacement) |
Zoo Licensing |
1981–82 |
Antiquities |
Beverage Containers |
Boxing |
Broadcasting Finance |
Child Care (No. 2) |
Civil Aviation (Amendment) (No. 2) |
Constitutional Referendum |
*Copyright Act 1956 (Amendment) |
*Deer (Amendment) (Scotland) |
Dissemination of Pornography |
Falkland Islands (British Citizenship) (No. 2) |
Harbours (Transport of Farm Animals) |
Junior Hospital Doctors (Restriction of Hours) |
Leasehold Reform |
Session |
Bill (Those marked with an asterisk received Royal Assent) |
Marriage (Stepparents and Stepchildren) |
Opticians Act 1958 (Amendment) |
Pet Animals Act 1951 (Amendment) |
Salmon Fisheries (Protection) (Scotland) |
Security Officers Control |
Sex Discrimination (Amendment) |
Shops |
Slaughter of Animals (Amendment) |
Town and Country Planning (Amendment) |
Transport (London) (Amendment) |
Wages Councils (Abolition) |
1982–83 |
Abortion (Amendment) |
Alcoholic Liquor (Wholesale Dealers) |
British Museum Act 1963 (Amendment) |
*British Nationality (Falkland Islands) (formerly "… Amendment") |
Child Care |
Copyright (Amendment) (No. 2) |
Criminal Trespass on Residential Premises |
European Assembly Elections (Amendment) |
Foreign Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Bases (Prohibition) |
Gaming (Amendment) |
Juries (Amendment) |
Local Government (Choice of Electoral Systems) |
Lotteries (Amendment) |
Parochial Charities (Neighbourhood Trusts) |
*Pet Animals Act 1951 (Amendment) |
Prohibition of Female Circumcision |
Public Records (Amendment) |
Rent (Abolition of Control) |
Trade Marks Act 1938 (Amendment) |
Travel Concessions for the Unemployed |
Truck Acts (Repeal) |
1983–84 |
Amusement Machines |
British Museum Act 1963 (Amendment) |
Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons (Amendment) (No. 2) |
Criminal Trespass |
Dangerous Vessels |
Disabled Persons |
Education (Amendment) (Scotland) |
European Assembly Elections (Amendment) |
Lotteries (Amendment) |
Opticians Act 1958 (Amendment) |
Parochial Charities (Neighbourhood Trusts) |
Prayer Book Protection |
Prohibition of Female Circumcision |
Recreational Gardening |
Rent (Abolition of Control) |
Small Charities |
Straw and Stubble Burning (Control and Licensing) (changed from Straw and Stubble Burning Prohibition) |
Travel Concessions for the Unemployed |
Urban Parishes |
1984–85 |
*Betting, Gaming and Lotteries (Amendment) |
*Charities |
Coal Industry Nationalisation (Amendment) |
*Dangerous Vessels |
District Salmon Fishery Boards (Scotland) |
Education and Training |
Immigration (Bail) |
*Licensing (Amendment) |
Local Government (Choice of Electoral Systems) |
Recreational Gardening |
Road Races (Northern Ireland) Order 1977 (Amendment) |
Road Traffic (Eyesight Requirements for Drivers) |
Straw and Stubble Burning (Control) |
Tobacco Products (Advertising) |
United Nations (Namibia) |
Wages Councils (Abolition) |
Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (Amendment) |