HC Deb 15 April 1985 vol 77 cc114-5W
Mr. Pike

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will list the criteria used in determining which areas shall receive allocations under the European regional development fund non-quota textile areas scheme.

Sir George Young

The criteria are set out in the regulation governing the non-quota textile measures (EEC No. 219/84). They are:

  1. (a) A minimum number of jobs in the textile and clothing industry;
  2. (b) Industrial employment dependent in large measure on textiles and clothing;
  3. (c) Major job losses in the industry in recent years;
  4. (d) The social and economic situation in the region assessed on the basis of the per capita gross domestic product and structural unemployment;
  5. (e) Eligibility for a national regional-aid scheme.

Mr. Pike

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment what account he takes in determining allocations underthe European regional development fund non-quota textile measures scheme of recent trends in the size of the textile industry in Lancashire and in the numbers of people employed.

Sir George Young

The allocation of non-quota ERDF funds under the textile measure followed criteria used in the European Commission's allocations between member states and was agreed by them. It took account of (i) the numbers of jobs lost in the textile and clothing industry, (ii) the dependency of employment upon textiles and (iii) unemployment.

Mr. Pike

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will list in the Official Report allocations approved to date for each local authority under the European regional development fund ffon-quota textile measures scheme.

Sir George Young

The Department has not yet made any allocations of non-quota ERDF grant but expects to do so shortly.