HC Deb 25 May 1984 vol 60 cc602-3W
Mr. Skinner

asked the Secretary of State for Employment how many persons between the ages of (a) 16 to 19 years and (b) 20 to 24 years are without a permanent job in the county of Derbyshire at the latest available date.

Mr. Alan Clark

The information is not available. The number of people without permanent jobs includes not only those who are unemployed but also those on special employment and training measures, and those in casual or temporary jobs. Information on the latter two groups is not available by age or for small areas.

Mr. Skinner

asked the Secretary of State for Employment how many redundancies have been notified in the county of Derbyshire during the first quarter of 1984.

Mr. Alan Clark

1,324* redundancies were confirmed as due to occur in the county of Derbyshire during the first quarter of 1984. * Includes provisional figures for February and March 1984. Redundancies involving fewer than 10 employees are excluded.

Mr. Skinner

asked the Secretary of State for Employment how many (a) unemployed adults and (b) 16 to 18-year-olds were available for each job vacancy in the county of Derbyshire at the latest available date.

Mr. Alan Clark

On 5 April, in Derbyshire, there were 5,234 unemployed claimants aged 18 years and under and 42,504 aged over 18 years. On 30 March, the numbers of notified vacancies remaining unfilled at jobcentres and careers offices in Derbyshire were 1,639 and 76, respectively.

The vacancy statistics relate only to vacancies notified to jobcentres and careers offices; vacancies notified to jobcentres are estimated to be about one third of all vacancies in the country as a whole. Because of this, and of possible duplications between the separate figures for jobcentres and careers offices, it is not possible to provide satisfactory totals from which the ratio of job vacancies to unemployed can be calculated.

Mr. Skinner

asked the Secretary of State for Employment what was the rate of increase in adult unemployment in the county of Derbyshire compared with the national figure during the first quarter of 1984.

Mr. Alan Clark

Between January and April 1984 the number of unemployed claimants aged 18 years and over in Derbyshire increased by 0.8 per cent. During the same period, the corresponding numbers for the United Kingdom decreased by 1.6 per cent. Seasonally adjusted figures are not calculated for counties, so the comparison, taking into account seasonal factors, is not available.

Mr. Skinner

asked the Secretary of State for Employment what percentage of females aged between 16 and 19 years were unemployed in the county of Derbyshire at the latest available date.

Mr. Alan Clark

The information is not available to the absence of employment estimates by age for areas below national level.

Mr. Skinner

asked the Secretary of State for Employment how many jobs were lost in the following industries in the county of Derbyshire during the first quarter of 1984: (a) metal manufacture, (b) heavy engineering, (c) textiles and (d) construction.

Mr. Alan Clark

I regret that the information is not available. Information on job losses is not collected. Net changes in employment can be supplied, but, for areas smaller than regions, only for those dates when censuses of employment are conducted. The last census was held in September 1981, the next is planned for September 1984.