HC Deb 01 March 1984 vol 55 c339W
Mr. Hoyle

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services (1) what are the numbers of private patients who have received treatment at Warrington general hospital in the years 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982 and 1983;

(2) what proportion of the beds in Warrington general hospital may be occupied by private patients; and on how many occasions this has been exceeded in each of the last five years.

Wirral health authority*
NHS staff in whole-time equivalents at 30 September
Type of staff 1979 1980 1981 1982 †l983
Medical and Dental‡ (including locums) 211 193 190 184
Nurses and Midwives 2,833 2,883 2,971 3,018 2,879
Professional and Technical excluding works 445 471 476 474 446
Works Professional 26 32 35 34 33
Maintenance (Building and engineering) 102 122 142 153 144
Administrative and Clerical 676 672 715 730 673
Ancillary 1,189 1,141 1,155 1,150 1,038
Total (Excluding Medical and Dental)║ 5,271 5,321 5,493 5,558 5,212
Total (Including Medical and Dental) ║ 5,482 5,514 5,684 5,742


* In April 1982, the Wirral area health authority became a district health authority with no changes in its administrative boundaries.

† Provisional.

‡ Medical and dental figures exclude consultants and senior registrars as these are contracted to regions, not to areas or districts.

║Due to rounding, the sums of the staff figures may not be equal to the corresponding totals.

¶ Not yet available.