HC Deb 23 July 1984 vol 64 c516W
Mr. Evans

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what categories of European Economic Community surplus food are stored in the borough of St. Helens; how much food is in each category; what is the value of each category; what is the cost of storing each category; and where is the location of each storage facility.

Mr. Jopling

The information requested is as follows:

Commodity Quantity *Value £
Butter 80 tonnes 154,366
Skimmed Milk Powder 1,280 tonnes 1,313,567
* Calculated at the current intervention price.

The names of individual stores and storage payments made to them are not given on grounds of commercial confidentiality. However, information about the total cost to the Government of storing intervention commodities is published in the "Intervention Buying Accounts", the most recent of which was presented to Parliament as House of Commons Paper 360 on 3 May 1983.