HC Deb 04 November 1983 vol 47 c467W
Dr. Roger Thomas

asked the Secretary of State for Wales if he will channel extra money and resources in the coming financial year to community care to provide more nursing staff, day-care places and relief beds consistent with the demographic changes expected as a result of a greater percentage of the population being over the age of 75 years.

Mr. Wyn Roberts

As part of the annual review procedure which my right hon. Friend has introduced district health authorities in Wales are required to devote the first 0.5 per cent. of efficiency savings, based on their annual revenue allocations, to programmes approved by the Welsh Office of continuing care, including community care, for elderly, mentally ill and mentally handicapped people. In the first instance it is for authorities to formulate specific measures which will best meet local needs. It is open to authorities to devote further resources to the development of services for elderly people from their discretionary allocations or from efficiency savings higher than the required minimum.

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