HC Deb 08 February 1983 vol 36 c335W
49. Mr. Greenway

asked the Secretary of State for Employment what representations he has received concerning making secret ballots before major strikes a mandatory requirement since the publication of his Green Paper "Democracy in Trade Unions"; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Gummer

So far we have received only a small number of representations on this issue since the Green Paper was published on 11 January, but the closing date for comments is not until 8 April. We shall of course consider all the comments we receive on the Green Paper very carefully before any final decisions are taken.

52. Mr. John Browne

asked the Secretary of State for Employment when he last met the general secretary of the Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers to discuss secret ballots.

Mr. Gummer

My right hon. Friend is always willing to meet trade union leaders to discuss matters of public concern such as the use of secret ballots in trade unions. It was encouraging to see from theFinancial Times on 1 February that the general secretary of the AUEW believes that trade union movement should respond to the Green Paper and not ignore it as the general council of the TUC wishes to do. We hope very much that the TUC will decide to take part in the consultations on the Green Paper.