The Earl of Bessboroughasked Her Majesty's Government:
What progress has been made in scientific and technological co-operation between the United Kingdom and Canada as a result of recent discussions between the two countries.
§ Baroness YoungBritish and Canadian scientists met in London in October, with a final joint session of chief scientists on 17th October.
The talks were highly successful. The state of Anglo-Canadian scientific contacts was thoroughly reviewed. A number of areas (for example, satellite communications, coal liquefication, and tribology) were identified in which strong scientific and technical collaboration was already taking place. Several areas also came to light in which scope existed for increased collaboration. These areas included petroleum geology and ocean remote sensing, where contact had already been made and further impetus is needed. On a number of items (fuel tolerant engines, acid deposition, heat pumps and a number of transport issues) there is scope for exploratory talks. The possibility of industrial collaboration in some of these areas was welcomed.
The co-operation stimulated by the review will take place directly between relevant individual organisations in the two countries. Working level contacts are being maintained and enhanced.