HC Deb 13 November 1980 vol 992 c421W
Mrs. Renée Short

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what is the number of those unemployed in Wolverhampton who receive neither unemployment nor supplementary benefit; and what percentage of those unemployed they account for.

Mrs. Chalker

At 14 August 1980, the latest date for which information is available, there were 2,900 claimants for unemployment benefit or unemployment credits who were receiving neither unemployment nor supplementary benefit in the area covered by the Wolverhampton

(1) (2) (3)
Total registered unemployed claimants Total to unemployment benefit exhausted Column (2) as a percentage of column (1)
Wolverhampton* 12,900 2,200 17.1
West Midlands 199,400 35,900 18.0
Great Britain 1,805,500 349,400 19.4
* The area covered by the Wolverhampton unemployment benefit office.
Source: 100 per cent. count of persons claiming unemployment benefit or credits.

Mrs. Renée Short

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services how many of those unemployed in Wolverhampton have exhausted their right to unemployment benefit; and how many of these are pensioners and one-parent families.

Mrs. Chalker

Following is the information at August 1980. It relates to people receiving supplementary benefit from offices in Wolverhampton, which cover areas outside Wolverhampton itself:

People receiving supplementary benefit
All beneficiaries 22.0
Supplementary pensioners 10.0
One parent families* 2.0
* Excludes some one-parent families in other groups, e.g. widows with National Insurance benefit, and unemployed people.