HC Deb 30 July 1980 vol 989 c749W
Mr. Michael Shaw

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment when a report will be published on the study of the environmental impact of the use of cadmium; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. King

A report on the study, which has been undertaken by my Department in collaboration with other Departments, of the environmental impact of the use of cadmium has been published today in the pollution paper series. A copy of the report, "Cadmium in the environment and its significance to man", has been placed in the Library.

The report describes the main uses to which cadmium is put, the major pathways to man and the levels of exposure. In the population as a whole, average intakes are well below currently accepted tolerable limits. In a few instances unusual dietary patterns and other factors can lead to significantly increased intakes and these are currently being investigated.

The Government agree with the report's conclusion that it would be prudent to keep man's total intake of cadmium as low as practicable. To this end we shall consider the feasibility of reducing exposure, taking into account the technical advantages of cadmium and the merits and availability of alternatives.

We also propose, as resources permit, to undertake further research into the toxic effect of low concentrations of cadmium and to continue monitoring the levels in the environment and in man.