HC Deb 06 August 1980 vol 990 cc188-90W
Mr. Parry

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment what representations he has received against the proposed Liverpool enterprise zone from bodies and organisations on Merseyside.

Mr. Heseltine

I have received no representations opposing the establishment of an enterprise zone in Liverpool; the Merseyside Public Warehouse Keepers' Association has expressed reservations about the inclusion of the service sector within the relaxed regime.

Mr. Parry

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment what representations he has received from the Freedom Association concerning the proposed enterprise zones; and what was the substance of such representations.

Mr. Heseltine

The Freedom Association sent comments on the Government's proposals to my Department on 16 July. While the association welcomed the concept of enterprise zones, its view was that a wider range of controls should be removed completely over much larger areas than the Government are proposing.

Mr. Parry

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment when he expects the proposed enterprise zone will begin at Liverpool; and when the project will be completed.

Mr. Heseltine

Providing a satisfactory agreement can be reached quickly with the local authority, the statutory processes could begin in November, leading to designation early in the new year. Designation orders will generally last 10 years.

Mr. Parry

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment what is the number of jobs he expects to be created in the proposed Liverpool enterprise zone.

Mr. Heseltine

It is not practicable at this stage to predict the number of jobs that may be created.

Mr. Frank Allaun

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment what compensation will be paid to local authorities in the new enterprise zones in respect of rates not collected and services which have to be provided to the non-paying firms.

Mr. King

Local authorities will be fully compensated for loss of rate revenue by specific grant. In all other respects local authority services within enterprise zones will be funded in the usual way.

Mr. Frank Allaun

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment what guidance is to be given to local authorities about the provision of housing accommo- dation for non-local labour attracted to firms opening in the new enterprise zones.

Mr. King

I do not think local authorities need the guidance suggested.

Mr. Frank Allaun

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment whether he will make it a condition that firms taking advantage of the new enterprise zones shall employ a specific minimum proportion of local labour.

Mr. King

I do not think it necessary to make it a specific condition.