HC Deb 29 June 1978 vol 952 c684W
Mr. Grimond

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what information he has received on the International Whaling Commission on the slaughter of whales in excess of their quota by the Soviet Union.

Mr. Bishop

We understand that the International Whaling Commission is investigating allegations that the Soviet Union has exceeded its catch quotas for whales but is not yet in a position to comment.

Mr. Grimond

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if Her Majesty's Government will support proposals for a moratorium on the killing of whales.

Mr. Bishop

There is already an International Whaling Commission—IWC—moratorium on the catching of humpback, blue, right, grey and bowhead whales. The catch levels for other species of whale are fixed according to stock levels.

Her Majesty's Government will wish to consider on their merits, in the light of scientific advice at the time, any proposals for a moratorium on the catching of all whales that may come under discussion in the IWC.

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