HC Deb 25 July 1977 vol 936 cc84-7W
Mr. Grocott

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will list the international organizations of which the United kingdom is a member, indicating for each the annual cost of membership.

Mr. Luard

The international organization to which the United Kingdom contributes more than £per annum are:

North Atlantic Treaty Organisation 18,908,000
Central Treaty Organisation 145,000
South East Asia Treaty Organisation (now defunct) 108,000
Von Karman Institute 90,000
International Hydrographic Organisation 13,000
World Meterorological Organisation 350,000
United Nations Regular Budget 9,067,795
United Nations Force in Cyprus 3,454,000
United Nations Emergency Force 1,193,000
Commonwealth Secretariat 474,000
Council of Europe 3,017,266
Western European Union 540,561
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 1,718,730
South Pacific Commission 207,653
International Commission for Supervision and Control in Laos 40,000
Universal Postal Union 144,000
Co-ordinating Committee, Paris 13,000
Commonwealth Foundation 208,125
North Atlantic Assembly 81,146
International Institute for the Unification of Private Law 13,713
Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference on Private International Law 13,024
Commonwealth War Graves Commission 4,049,821
International Development Association 79,000,000
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development 3,400,000
World Food Programme 581,250
Asian Development Bank 4,071,490
Caribbean Development Bank 1,000,000
African Development Fund 1,250,000
Inter-American Development Bank 1,497,000
European Development Fund 32,590,000
United Nations Development Programme 13,000,000
United Nations Relief and Works Agency 3,000,000
United Nations Children's Fund 2,300,000
United Nations Fund for Population Activities 2,000,000
United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation 2,693,000
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation 3,070,900
International Centre for the 3,070,900

Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property 29,500
Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux 463,000
European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organisation 8,032
European Foot and Mouth Disease Commission 5,308
International Office of Contagious Diseases of Animals 13,280
International Coffee Organisation 24,934
International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants 35,336
International Institute of Refrigeration 5,670
International Cocoa Organisation 36,000
International Commission for North West Atlantic Fisheries 8,031
International Council for the Exploration of the Sea 18,511
Commission for the Prevention of Marine Pollution 5,000
International Study Group on Rubber 5,000
International Tin Council 21,000
European Space Research Organisation (European Space Agency) 33,608,000
International Atomic Energy Agency 1,038,000
Nuclear Energy Agency 123,000
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 672,000
International Customs Tariff Bureau 20,000
International Patent Institute 27,068
Subscriptions to International Bureaux at Geneva for the protection of industrial property and literary and artistic property 107,370
European Patent Office 1,685,000
International Labour Organisation 2,293,000
International Telecommunications Union 662,000
Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation 243,000
International Bureau of Weights and Measures 85,000
European Conference of Ministers of Transport 77,289
Central Rhine Commission 34,106
International Railway Conventions 29,096
International Organisation for Legal Metrology 5,000
Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organisation 526,000
Euro-Control 5,624,000
International Civil Aviation Organisation 435,548
South Pacific Air Transport Council 100,000
International Union for the Conservation of Nature 6,850
United Nations Environment Fund 500,000

International Criminal Police Organisation 77,569
European University Institute 348,509
International Agency for Research on Cancer 221,000
European Molecular Biology Conference and Laboratory 905,000
European Organisation for Nuclear Research 19,110,000
International Institute for the Management of Technology 15,000
World Health Organisation 3,523,000
European Dialysis and Transport Association 6,000
European Communities 225,000,000 (net contribution to Community Budget financial year 1976–77)

The number of organisations to which the United Kingdom contributes less than £5.000 is large. The information can be made available if required.