HC Deb 29 November 1976 vol 921 c59W
Mr. David Steel

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will publish in the Official Report a table showing for the Borders Region of Scotland (a) population, (b) area, (c) rateable value, (d) rating revenue, (e) level of rate support grant, (f) total expenditure of authority, (g) amount by which such expenditure has increased or decreased over the previous year, and (h) amount by which Scottish Office has requested cuts in (i) expenditure on police, (ii) expenditure on water services, (iii) expenditure on education, (iv) expenditure on administration, (v) expenditure on roads, and (vi) size of staffing.

Mr. Milan

The information is as follows:

  1. (a) Population at June 1975–99,409.
  2. (b) Area at 31st December 1975–1,154,366 acres.
  3. (c) Rateable value in 1976–77—£4,879,688.
  4. (d) Revenue from rates in 1976–77£7,000,000 (estimated: covers region and district rates but excludes domestic water rate).
  5. (e) Level of rate support grant in 1976–77£18,217,386 (covers region and district).
  6. (f) and (g) detailed expenditure returns are at present being examined by my Department. A final figure for 1975–76 will soon be available when I shall write to the hon. Member.
  7. (h) (i-vi) The Secretary of State has asked local authorities to keep total expenditure in line with the rate support grant settlement. It is for individual authorities to decide upon priorities among services.