HC Deb 28 April 1976 vol 910 cc121-2W
Mr. Giles Shaw

asked the Secretary of State for Industry (1) if his Department has any statistics showing how many new industries have been established in the Leeds-Bradford area between 1960 and 1970 and since 1970;

(2) how many new jobs have been created in industries which have been established in the Leeds-Bradford area between 1960 and 1970 and since 1970.

New manufacturing establishments with an origin outside the area All new manufacturing establishments
Number Total Employees (000s) Number Total Employees (000s)
1960–65 7 0.5 7* 0.5*
1966–71 6 0.5 107 11.0
1972–75 9 0.5 57 3.0
*In the period 1960–65 data were only collected on establishments opening in an area[...] with an origin outside that area.

Mr. Giles Shaw

asked the Secretary of State for Industry if his Department has any statistics showing how many new factories have been established in the Leeds-Bradford area since the Ml was completed to Leeds and since the M62 was opened between Leeds and Manchester.

Mr. Alan Williams

From 1st January 1969 to 31st December 1973, 107 new factories, and extensions, requiring industrial development certificates were completed in the Leeds and Bradford employment exchange areas. Between 1st January 1974 and 31st December 1975, 24 new factories, and extensions, requiring industrial development certificates were completed in the same areas.

Mr. Giles Shaw

asked the Secretary of State for Industry how many advance

Mr. Alan Williams

Almost all manufacturing industries—minimum list headings of the Standard Industrial Classification—recorded some employment in the Leeds-Bradford area, in 1960 and in subsequent years. The following table gives details of new manufacturing establishments which have opened since 1960 in West Yorkshire, the smallest appropriate area for which such data is readily available. The geographical definition of the area to which the statistics refer changed slightly in 1966, and in 1972. The record from which the material is compiled includes establishments opened in both new and secondhand premises, except where movement to secondhand premises from other premises in the same travel-to-work area is involved. The record is not comprehensive for establishments with very small employment, and is also subject to revision for the most recent years.

The employment figures quoted in the table as associated with the new establishments are the latest available, and are rounded to the nearest 500.

factories were established by the Government in the Leeds-Bradford area during the years between 1960 and 1970 and since 1970; and how many of these advance factories were occupied by firms and organisations that were previously situated beyond a 30-mile radius of the Leeds-Bradford area.

Mr. Alan Williams

None, but five factories were announced by the Government for the area in November 1975, and building is expected to start in the autumn