HC Deb 14 November 1974 vol 881 c209W
Mr. Patrick Mayhew

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services why the South-East Regional Hospital Board has decided to convert the Science Theatre at David Salamon's House, Speldhurst, Kent, into a lecture hall, and to reject in principle the proposal made on behalf of the National Piano Museum that a purpose-built lecture hall should be built in the grounds to enable the Science Theatre to be occupied by the museum for the purpose of preserving and displaying musical instruments.

Dr. Owen

The South East Thames Regional Health Authority tells me that it intends to use David Salamon's House as a regional training and conference centre for health service staff, and as part of this arrangement the Science Theatre will, after a minimum of conversion, be used as a lecture hall.

The authority says that it has received no formal detailed proposal, with proper guarantees on timing and finance, to build a new lecture hall in the grounds. Because of this and the very real difficulties which it foresees in preserving a Piano Museum as part of the conference centre, for which there is an urgent need, it has felt obliged to proceed with its own stated plans.