HC Deb 06 November 1974 vol 880 cc146-7W
Mr. Dan Jones

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment how many roads of dual and three-lane carriageway have been built in Scotland, England and Wales since 1950 to the latest date for which figures are available; where their precise location is; and what has been the cost of building them.

Mr. Carmichael

Since 1950, 26 dual two-lane motorways, with a total length of 206 miles, have been built. Five of these schemes—33 miles—have subsequently been widened to dual three-lane. Since 1964, 179 all-purpose dual two-lane trunk roads—comprising 400 miles—and 11 trunk roads—about 13 miles of single three-lane width—have been built as new schemes or major improvements. These roads form part of the trunk network the detail of which is shown in the Department's "Trunk Road Map" published in 1974.

Statistics prior to 1964 are not readily available for all-purpose trunk roads, nor is it possible to identify easily the cost of selected schemes such as those referred to above.

Roads in Scotland and Wales are the responsibility of the respective Secretaries of State.