HC Deb 06 November 1974 vol 880 cc145-6W
Mr. Ralph Howell

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment how many people are employed by the new water authorities; and how many people were previously employed on maintenance of the services now taken over by the new water authorities.

Mr. Denis Howell

The number of staff now employed by the regional water authorities is 54,098, but certain of their functions are carried out on an agency basis by the new district councils and the water companies. The Ogden Report of the Management Structure Committee made an estimate in July 1973 showing a figure of 75,000 employees. The two figures are not strictly comparable.

Clerks of County Councils Town and District Council Clerks Designated Chief Officers
£ £ £
1960 (1st October) 2,120– 6,480 1,040– 5,175* 890–5,005*
1972 (1st July) 4,548–12,984 2,466–10,674 2,343–10,044
1973 (1st July) 4,998–13,227 2,736–10,917 2,490–10,287
* Prior to 1970 the salaries in the largest authorities were at the discretion of those authorities.

Expressed at constant prices—September 1960 = 100—the salary ranges for

Clerks of County Councils Town and District Council Clerks Designated Chief Officers
£ £ £
1972 (1st July) 2,610–7,460 1,420–6,130 1,350–5,770
1973 (1st July) 2,640–6,990 1,450–5,770 1,320–5,430

The number of clerks and chief officers in receipt of salaries within the ranges set out above would have been about 1,340 and 3,200 respectively in each of the years referred to.

Mr. Ralph Howell

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment what is the latest official estimate of the overall increase in local government staff, including the new water authorities, which has taken place since April 1973 in England and Wales.

Mr. Oakes

I am unable to estimate the overall change in numbers of local government staff since 1973 until the figures for June 1974, compiled by the Department of Employment, are available. With regard to the staff of the new water authorities, I would refer the hon. Member to the answer given to him today by my hon. Friend the Minister for Sport and Recreation.

Mr. Ralph Howell

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment what were the average salaries paid to the top two grades of local government staff in 1960, 1972 and 1973, respectively, expressed at current prices and at constant prices; and how many people received these salaries in each of the years referred to.

Mr. Oakes

My right hon. Friend does not possess information on the salaries paid by individual local authorities to their clerks and chief officers.

The nationally negotiated salary recommendations for clerks and designated chief officers of the authorities operating in 1960, 1972 and 1973 provided for salaries within the following ranges according to size of authority:

1972 and 1973 would be approximately as follows: