HC Deb 11 June 1974 vol 874 cc533-4W
Mr. Sillars

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will list the countries which contribute to the budget of the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations.

Mr. Ennals

The countries which contribute to the budget of the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations are:

Afghanistan. Kuwait.
Albania. Laos.
Algeria. Lebanon.
Argentina. Lesotho.
Australia. Liberia.
Austria. Libyan Arab Republic
Bahrain. Luxembourg.
Bangladesh. Madagascar.
Barbados. Malawi.
Belgium. Malaysia.
Bolivia. Maldives.
Botswana. Mali.
Brazil. Malta.
Bulgaria. Mauritania.
Burma. Mauritius.
Burundi. Mexico.
Cameroon. Mongolia.
Canada. Morocco.
Central African Republic. Nepal.
Chad. New Zealand.
Chile. Nicaragua.
China. Niger.
Colombia. Nigeria.
Congo. Norway.
Costa Rica. Oman.
Cuba. Pakistan.
Cyprus. Panama.
Czechoslovakia. Paraguay.
Dahomey. Peru.
Denmark. Philippines.
Dominican Republic. Poland.
Ecuador. Portugal.
Egypt. Qatar.
El Salvador. Romania.
Ethiopia. Rwanda.
Fiji. Saudi Arabia.
Finland. Senegal.
France. Sierra Leone.
Gabon. Somalia.
Gambia, The Spain.
Germany, Federal Republic of Sri Lanka.
Sudan, The
Ghana. Swaziland.
Greece. Sweden.
Guatemala. Switzerland.
Guinea. Syrian Arab Republic.
Guinea Bissau. Tanzania.
Guyana. Thailand.
Haiti. Togo.
Honduras. Trinidad & Tobago.
Hungary. Tunisia.
Iceland. Turkey.
India. Uganda.
Indonesia. United Arab Emirates.
Iran. United Kingdom.
Iraq. U.S.A.
Ireland. Upper Volta.
Israel. Uruguay.
Italy. Venezuela.
Ivory Coast. Viet-Nam Republic of
Jamaica. Yemen Arab Republic.
Japan. Yemen Peoples' Republic of
Kenya. Yugoslavia.
Khmer Republic. Zaire.
Korea, Republic of Zambia.

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